GOD: An Autobiography, As Told to a Philosopher - The Podcast

179. Special Episode | Revisiting I Learn What Really Happened With Adam And Eve

Jerry L. Martin, Scott Langdon
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00:00 | 16:00

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Dr. Jerry L. Martin and God discuss the genesis of humanity and its initial encounters with the Divine. Their dialogues unearth human evolution and the dawn of consciousness, sweeping away the dust from prehistoric cave walls and examining the origin of symbolic thought as our ancestors first beheld beauty and forged primal connections with a higher power. 

Innocence, creativity, and intimacy showcase the evolving relationship between humanity and the divine. Dr. Jerry L. Martin and the Voice of God explore the myth of Adam and Eve from historical, spiritual, and philosophical angles, offering God's narrative perspective and unique insights.

This dialogue isn't merely a historical narrative; it's a reservoir of timeless wisdom, relevant to any spiritual journey. It also acts as more than a simple recap, laying the groundwork for the upcoming Life Wisdom Project next Thursday!

Relevant Episodes:

[Dramatic Adaptation] I Learn What Really Happened With Adam and Eve

Other Series:

The podcast began with the Dramatic Adaptation of the book and now has several series:


Hashtags: #godanautobiography #experiencegod

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